Linda Lai answered a question that MFA students at the School of Creative Media posed to her... 創意媒體學院的藝術碩士生向老師提問。黎肖嫻回答... ...。
11 new zines created in 2023 plus more by Floating Project members and friends initiated a new phase of growing existing resources into more points of sharing. 據點對小誌文化的集體實驗,從手做書、詩話、散文,到嚴肅生活和創作議題的結集,於大館書展4月28-30日與大眾見面。
FP writer Wai-leung Lai was there as Kin-choi Lam set up his book launch event at FP, and started to traced his journey as an illustration-artist. 從業餘興趣成為終身志業,由摸索學習到邁步向前。貧瘠的藝術土壤上,一個青年畫家的成長歷程,據點作者黎偉亮用文字素描了一個他認識的林建才和他獨有的故事。