
Searching for tag: lam-kin-choi

Ideas Blossom on Contemporary Living: Floating Projects @ BOOKED 2023, Taikwun 思緒的聚疊:「據點」小誌天南地北。大館書展2023
FPC / Return Flight: MEL<---->HKG, after a year, the making of…

FPC / Return Flight: MEL<---->HKG, after a year, the making of…

FPC members participated in an cross-ocean exchange of image and text with artists in Melbourne as the third and final episode of Elizaveta Maltseva’s curatorial project, in collaboration with the Melbourne-based literary journal Going Down Swinging. One year has passed since the show Return Flight: MEL <---->HKG met the public in Melbourne (August) and Hong Kong (September) respectively. This short video looks back on our exchange conversation. 《回程機:墨爾本<---->香港》18個兩地創作人的圖文交流轉眼已是一年前的事。存留的檔案為我們抓住了一些神髓。

LAM Kin-choi / 林建才手繪「逆流索引」六:夢  DREAMING, “Quotidian Diversions: Kin-choi Lam in search of time lost” 06
LAM Kin-choi / 林建才手繪「逆流索引」五:一分一秒  PRISON, “Quotidian Diversions: Kin-choi Lam in search of time lost” 05
LAM Kin-choi / 林建才手繪「逆流索引」四:在一起   TOGETHER, “Quotidian Diversions: Kin-choi Lam in search of time lost” 04
LAM Kin-choi / 林建才手繪「逆流索引」三:日子   DAYS, “Quotidian Diversions: Kin-choi Lam in search of time lost” 03
LAM Kin-choi / 林建才手繪「逆流索引」二:命  LIFE, “Quotidian Diversions: Kin-choi Lam in search of time lost” 02
Voices from “Nothing Can Come Closer” (1) 無法取得位置:弦音(一)

Voices from “Nothing Can Come Closer” (1) 無法取得位置:弦音(一)

Individual works from “Nothing Can Come Closer”: Lam Kin-choi, Wong Fuk-kuen《無法取得位置》作品逐個講:林建才、黃福權

FPC members / 《吹脹.影像》繼續吹 “Expænsive Cinema”, keep blowing, keep expanding

FPC members / 《吹脹.影像》繼續吹 “Expænsive Cinema”, keep blowing, keep expanding

9 FPC artists stretch the possibilities of the moving image — the projecting apparatus, the projected image, the moving and projecting processes, projected surfaces, how and where… 九位「據點。句點」藝術家心目中的活動影像的膨脹性、膨脹度是怎樣的?他們多方對策:投影的器具、所投的影像何來、成像的過程、展示影像的「面」…

Winnie Yan / 距離的温度 The Temperature of Distance

Winnie Yan / 距離的温度 The Temperature of Distance

Some works are to be sensed rather than comprehended… Winnie Yan finds a natural connection with Jess Lau and Kin-choi Lam’s duet — with their art pieces as much as the two individuals. …能找到兩位同伴會默默地感受一場雨…絕不容易。

Floating Projects Collective 2025