
Searching for tag: artist-residency

Notes from Fogo Island (1): the time and rhythm of passing through 福戈島手記之一:過渡、穿越、時間、節奏

Notes from Fogo Island (1): the time and rhythm of passing through 福戈島手記之一:過渡、穿越、時間、節奏


Jess Lau / 京都駐留筆記《步行電影院:飛翔的氣球》”Cinema of Walking: Airship” — notes on artist’s residency in Kyoto

Jess Lau / 京都駐留筆記《步行電影院:飛翔的氣球》”Cinema of Walking: Airship” — notes on artist’s residency in Kyoto

In January 2020, FP artist Jess Lau took residency in Kyoto; in the three months she spent there, she finally found the time and space to realize a much awaited work on a river, and made The Cinema of Walking: Airship on the Kamo River, to her, a unique glimpse of freedom. 2020年1月 Jess 到京都駐留三個月,有機會到訪鴨川,突然可以做關於河川的作品,《步行電影院:飛翔的氣球》遠距離一口氣完成拍攝,劉清華看著路人一步一步踏過跳石,片刻看到自由的模樣。…

Dorothy Wong / 站在「錄像宣言一」與「錄像宣言二」的邊界上:族群參與改變了創作座標 Crossing the Border: videography re-oriented since community engagement

Dorothy Wong / 站在「錄像宣言一」與「錄像宣言二」的邊界上:族群參與改變了創作座標 Crossing the Border: videography re-oriented since community engagement

2018-2019年,黃加頌以 art collective o!sland成員的身份參與台灣森人藝駐計劃,到台灣太魯閤族的社區生活,後被鳳甲美術館邀請到台北北投社進行關於平埔族的計劃。黃加頌為「錄像宣言一」(2018)的策劃成員之一。她道出創作歷程上的改變:「2016-2017 錄像和影像為技巧訓練、自我察覺、從遙遠處觀看世界的練習。2017-2019 錄像為與他人、社區和世界連結的觀看點、載體和回應。」Dorothy Wong’s artist’s residency with Taiwan’s mountain communities changed her relation with videography.

WONG Chun-hoi / Concrete wandering in and out of C3A Cordoba: bitter oranges on the roadside 哥多華當代美術中心漫遊紀錄:僅能拾起一個個隨街掉落的橙子

WONG Chun-hoi / Concrete wandering in and out of C3A Cordoba: bitter oranges on the roadside 哥多華當代美術中心漫遊紀錄:僅能拾起一個個隨街掉落的橙子

王鎮海從「據點。句點」第一屆西班牙哥多華C3A駐場藝術家計劃回來,經過分享展出,三個月的經驗沈澱,輕淡的幾個星期的外遊回眷成為另類的藝術家駐場觀察,無拘的接連。「我卻終於淺嘗放慢生活節奏及專心創作的三星期,實在得來不易。」香港。哥多華。香港。FP Art Engineer Wong Chun-hoi has been back in Hong Kong from his C3A artist residency for several months, dropping concrete objects he created in a pop-up exhibition, tracing his footprints as an alien, and now weaving strands of existential moments — an alternative way to “report” on the three weeks he spent in Cordoba. “Alas! I finally got to taste a bit of living slowly and focusing on making. This is nothing to be taken for granted,” he said.

Jessica Fu / 哥多華當代美術中心創作紀錄:定睛眼前,凝視過去,觀望宇宙 Documenting C3A Cordoba: site-specific views of the invisible and the potential

Jessica Fu / 哥多華當代美術中心創作紀錄:定睛眼前,凝視過去,觀望宇宙 Documenting C3A Cordoba: site-specific views of the invisible and the potential

完成「據點。句點」第一屆西班牙哥多華C3A駐場藝術家計劃的Jessica Fu回顧一個月的體驗,再次覺悟她我的特定環境裝置作品往往是個引導體,領觀眾超越可見作品的本身朝向為可見的未來,應對數據爆發的時代的無助感。Jessica Fu completed her month-long residency in Cordoba’s C3A, FP’s first edition of artist’s residency at Centro de Arte Contemporáneo, Cordoba, Spain. She understands her site-specific installations are often visible vehicles that lead their beholder to the unknown visible of the future and, personally, her response to a sense of helplessness living in a milieu of exploding data yet kept esoteric by authorities.

Winnie Yan / Document as medium, archive as structural framework 檔案作為一個媒介 | 檔案庫作為一個架構: 李繼忠韓國藝術駐場研究之旅

Winnie Yan / Document as medium, archive as structural framework 檔案作為一個媒介 | 檔案庫作為一個架構: 李繼忠韓國藝術駐場研究之旅

A visit to Gwangju Biennale alerted FPC member Lee Kai-chung to the possibilities of doing an artist’s residency in Seoul to study archiving practices for art, which he did and shared upon his return to HK in “Can’t Live Without.” 「這次駐場計劃是基於第一次在光州雙年展後到訪過MMCA作資料搜集的經驗出發的。那時其實並不知道有駐場計劃可以申請,只是純屬對一個藝術館的好奇…」

Floating Projects Collective 2025