
Searching for tag: hardware-art

WONG Chun-hoi / 勤力電路 #1.0 – #1.4 Hardworking electricity #1.0-#1.4

WONG Chun-hoi / 勤力電路 #1.0 – #1.4 Hardworking electricity #1.0-#1.4

FP Art Engineer Hoi9 (Wong Chun-hoi) reviewed his ever-growing work-in-progress, a generative series that began with turning electricity into artistic raw material. An impulse: undress thickly dressed media art pieces, show the skeleton, open the black box.

FPC members / 《吹脹.影像》繼續吹 “Expænsive Cinema”, keep blowing, keep expanding

FPC members / 《吹脹.影像》繼續吹 “Expænsive Cinema”, keep blowing, keep expanding

9 FPC artists stretch the possibilities of the moving image — the projecting apparatus, the projected image, the moving and projecting processes, projected surfaces, how and where… 九位「據點。句點」藝術家心目中的活動影像的膨脹性、膨脹度是怎樣的?他們多方對策:投影的器具、所投的影像何來、成像的過程、展示影像的「面」…

WONG Fuk-kuen /《現在進行》一思再思 Present Continuous: still thinking…

WONG Fuk-kuen /《現在進行》一思再思 Present Continuous: still thinking…

Critique, review, critique, self-discovery, artistic experimentation, critique, articulation, self-discovery… Wong Fuk-kuen finds himself in this recurrent routine Floating Projects highly values. Extreme modes of artistic exploration of things in our physical world often push us (him) in the direction of science… Danger, Wong finds, is the unique interface he generates in his exploration.

CHEUK Wing-nam /「觸不感」觸及我創作的靈感技術資源以至藝術界別的區分
YEUNG Yang: [review] Hardworking Burning Electricity – Wong Chun Hoi Solo Exhibition

YEUNG Yang: [review] Hardworking Burning Electricity – Wong Chun Hoi Solo Exhibition

[FP EXHIBITION REVIEW] Yeung Yang identifies three sets of dilemma – techno-culture, dumb objects, and the challenge of a solo show – and ponders on the place of affect in Wong Chun-hoi’s “Hardworking Burning Electricity.”

Josef Bares / Wong Chun-hoi’s “Hardworking Burning Electricity”
CHEUK Wing-nam / 釣勝於魚的裝置遊戲 - 據點・句點

CHEUK Wing-nam / 釣勝於魚的裝置遊戲 - 據點・句點

/ Wing 卓穎嵐 (participating artists at WCH Assemblage #2) 這是個意想不到的收穫。自從上次去過「據點.句點」(下稱據點)看到部鋼琴之後,已經有意思想向部老鋼琴埋手,改造成其他裝置。於是就向王鎮海(下稱海狗)問一下,能否改裝。他答最緊要肯來拆,不要問,做吧! 對,我們很多時都有很多想法,想做這些想做那些,但因為各種藉口而推掉了。 於是,當我完成手上的展覽後,就開始和另一個據點藝術家黎仲民(Andio Lai)商討一下如何改裝這個鋼琴。這是一個平和的星期六下午,我去到那裡先拆掉外面的木架,露出鍵盤的機關。(其實,黃竹坑真的很近。現場即興的三日間,我由紅磡車站搭171到據點都只花半句鐘。)

Floating Projects Collective 2025