
Searching for tag: art-making

WONG Chun-hoi / Look at that picture! – a synchronized winter, alas, after 3 years 看圖識事:三年後,同步過冬

WONG Chun-hoi / Look at that picture! – a synchronized winter, alas, after 3 years 看圖識事:三年後,同步過冬

  This is a scene captured on camera some time around 18th July, 2012, in an industrial building in Kwai Chung. A few of us were in the studio of Fiona Lee’s (Left 1) that day. She was preparing her light bulb sound performance <<delight>> for an upcoming exhibition in Korea. We went there to […]

Documentary Animation ‘Ever-changing Monument’ by Lilian Fu

Documentary Animation ‘Ever-changing Monument’ by Lilian Fu

傅詠欣 Lilian Fu’s latest work Ever-changing Monument is a documentary animation funded by the Hong Kong Arts Development Council (ADC).     Public Screening: November 26, 2011 7:00p.m. at FPC ****** Ever-changing Monument   7 minutes / 2011 / Hong Kong/United Kingdom A work of animated documentary by Lilian Fu 傅詠欣 In this project, I […]

Wendy Tai / Current… 戴煥婷的《流》

Wendy Tai / Current… 戴煥婷的《流》

– Wendy TAI Current opens on July 31 at FPC. Opening reception begins 6:00pm Exhibition period: 31.07-15.08.2010 #1 The gallery floor is covered in charcoal portraits. The portraits are drawn from a bird’s eye view, as if looking down at a mass of mingling people from above. It could be you. We are socially conditioned […]

Kimburley Choi / Walking fields & the critique of flâneuse – preview notes #6 for FPC’s 1st exhibition

Kimburley Choi / Walking fields & the critique of flâneuse – preview notes #6 for FPC’s 1st exhibition

Kimburley Choi's reading of Linda Lai's video tale of cities… Trespassing World Cities 《搖擺過路人》(2005) is a composite of Linda Lai’s tourist-video-style travelogues. Choi proposes the need to inscribe the term "flâneuse" to highlight a gender dimension that "flaneur" may slight.

Linda Lai / Minor histories… the poetic and the discursive / preview notes #5 for FPC’s 1st exhibition

Linda Lai / Minor histories… the poetic and the discursive / preview notes #5 for FPC’s 1st exhibition

  – Linda C.H. Lai Voices Seen, Images Heard (2009), which will be shown for the first time in Hong Kong, tonight at FPC’s inauguration, has been shown in two different festivals in April, 2010. I have been most enlightened by the various ways audience, critics and curators communicated back to me about my work. […]

Jolene Mok / “Pianovel” – learning to learn and how I learned / preview notes #4 for FPC’s 1st exhibition

Jolene Mok / “Pianovel” – learning to learn and how I learned / preview notes #4 for FPC’s 1st exhibition

發表於: 20 May 2010

Jolene Mok What to learn? What not to learn? We have to learn how to learn. What if we don’t want to learn but, still, we have to learn? Do we learn if we don’t want to learn?

CHEUNG Yu-tsz / It’s dinner time — family matters before the dinner table / preview notes #3 for FPC’s 1st exhibition

CHEUNG Yu-tsz / It’s dinner time — family matters before the dinner table / preview notes #3 for FPC’s 1st exhibition

In 喫飯啦 ﹣餐桌前的家, Cheung Yu-tsz searches through his childhood memories. Besides roaming around with her buddy friends, she finds dinner with her family leaving the strongest impressions. ...

Lilian Fu / Remembering, Recollecting, Animating, Enlivening… – preview notes #2 for FPC’s 1st exhibition

Lilian Fu / Remembering, Recollecting, Animating, Enlivening… – preview notes #2 for FPC’s 1st exhibition

"Imagining My Grandmother”  (Lilian Fu / 2010 / video-animation) 記起、回顧、賦形、喚生… To Lilian Fu , in many ways, animation and recollection have strong affinities and may form the most interesting assemblages.

Linda Lai / Simplicity of form, economy of presentation, tenacity of concept – preview notes #1 for FPC’s 1st exhibition

Linda Lai / Simplicity of form, economy of presentation, tenacity of concept – preview notes #1 for FPC’s 1st exhibition

至微的美學經濟/極盡的概念發揮 "Minimum aesthetic economy, maximum conceptual articulation." Linda Lai account for the count-down fortnight to FPC's inauguration exhibition (opening May 22).

Floating Projects Collective 2024