Eight projections on a flat service… collage, montage, still and moving. Restless assertions. Inquisitive hypothesis… 動動書。一個意象接另一個意象。8個投在小桌面上的思考流,隨你參詳。
Five Ventriloquists artists show their dreamwork created with their own audio-visual language. It all lies in the crevices, fractures and gaps between shots, between locations, between actions… 夢作業是人存在的無形證據,實在處在夢象與夢象之間,在夾縫中,在虛處,在結合之間的斷裂處,是眾數的斷層。《腹語系》創作者也參與構築夢的敘事語法。
The Hand comes in from everywhere. It interrupts, commands, dominates…; it is omnipresent, irresistible, almighty, dressed and decorated nonetheless mercilessly brutal.. Such is the condition of an artist who wakes up one morning to find his normal routine totally ruled invalid. 木偶藝術小子一覺醒來,伸伸懶腰又期待著新一天的開始。怎知道一夜間世界變透了。一隻無名的手,由溫柔禮待到強權粗暴,無處不在,無孔不入。
Twelve personal thought paths share the same space within a theatre box, each a unique stream of murmurs, together a torrent of existential quests. 十二串個性不同的思緒共享一個微型的小黑盒劇場,各有嗓音,合起來是洪流。態度的堅持,存在的疑問,主體的尋溯,無名渴求,生老病死。
Technically, spatially and conceptually, “The Ventriloquists…Thinking Narratively” looks like this… Here’s the introduction of the first FIVE works in the corridor outside Floating Projects. 《腹語系》先介紹據點門前長廊的5件作品。往後續一介紹。
FP Manager Wai crafted Tiger I in 2016 from a Tamiya model kit he aspired to have but couldn’t as a kid. Time changes many things. What does his lasting zeal tell us about the forgettable yet unforgotten of growing up in Hong Kong?
A casual chat in a summer afternoon among 3 FP members ignited childhood passion and intellectual curiosity, leading to a toy show in November. “Wai and Kel’s model making involves intense concentration and techniques that parallel … art making,” Andio Lai discovers.