
Searching for tag: taiwan

Vanessa Tsai /「他還年輕」之後,我感念的一切 After “He’s Still Young” … thoughts abound recalling a former teacher

Vanessa Tsai /「他還年輕」之後,我感念的一切 After “He’s Still Young” … thoughts abound recalling a former teacher

A teacher who passed on more than knowledge, but inspirations. FP writer Vanessa Tsai, a teacher herself, has been inspired by Wu Sheng. 傳授知識是老師的職責,單單傳授知識的老師,也算是一個老師。「據點。句點」寫作人蔡季妙國中時遇過一個不僅單單傳授知識的老師,老師老了,相處回憶串串,縷縷如煙,卻常存心中。不求聞達不望回報,春風化雨,無聲無息潤澤大地,這是一個好老師成就另一個好老師的故事。

Vanessa Tsai / 也說說寫寫我的少小時候  Loose thoughts on my childhood days, all those years…

Vanessa Tsai / 也說說寫寫我的少小時候 Loose thoughts on my childhood days, all those years…

一個小時的飛航時間,把香港和台灣分隔成兩個歷史溯源和軌跡有交疊卻體驗不一樣的生活世界。又或者,貌不似而神似?身為小學老師的「據點」海外作者蔡季妙用今天的視野去「重訪」小時候的自己,不期然想起了教科書。Primary school teacher Vanessa Tsai, FP overseas contributor, revisits her young self through the lens of contemporary society: her primary school textbooks and experiences weigh on her massively. How is Hong Kong and Taiwan linked to and set off from one another other than the 1-hour flight that sets them apart?

Dorothy Wong / 站在「錄像宣言一」與「錄像宣言二」的邊界上:族群參與改變了創作座標 Crossing the Border: videography re-oriented since community engagement

Dorothy Wong / 站在「錄像宣言一」與「錄像宣言二」的邊界上:族群參與改變了創作座標 Crossing the Border: videography re-oriented since community engagement

2018-2019年,黃加頌以 art collective o!sland成員的身份參與台灣森人藝駐計劃,到台灣太魯閤族的社區生活,後被鳳甲美術館邀請到台北北投社進行關於平埔族的計劃。黃加頌為「錄像宣言一」(2018)的策劃成員之一。她道出創作歷程上的改變:「2016-2017 錄像和影像為技巧訓練、自我察覺、從遙遠處觀看世界的練習。2017-2019 錄像為與他人、社區和世界連結的觀看點、載體和回應。」Dorothy Wong’s artist’s residency with Taiwan’s mountain communities changed her relation with videography.

Vanessa Tsai / 殭屍。 教室裡。臺灣。2020…2014。2016。

Vanessa Tsai / 殭屍。 教室裡。臺灣。2020…2014。2016。


Winnie Yan / 柔軟的齒輪 往 臺中國際動畫影展 2018 札記 Notes on TIAF 2018 (Taichung International Animation Festival)

Winnie Yan / 柔軟的齒輪 往 臺中國際動畫影展 2018 札記 Notes on TIAF 2018 (Taichung International Animation Festival)

FP Writer and Artist Winnie Yan’s glimpses of the TIAF 2018 highlights how seeing differently in animation is rooted in the technology that evolves around and generates the art form. To some animation artists, the single frame, as opposed to the shot in live action film/video, is the basic unit of experimentation, or that all innovative animation works are intermedia in nature. Either way, the persistence of vision makes our eyes unique apparatus connecting to the world of the unknown imaginary.

Winnie Yan / 記錄 六月 Writing June
Vanessa Tsai / Dusty Bin Dreams  (notes) 垃圾堆中的夢想

Vanessa Tsai / Dusty Bin Dreams (notes) 垃圾堆中的夢想

***This is Vanessa Tsai’s viewing notes of a documentary: Dusty Bin Dreams (Eriss Khajira, 55m58s, English Subtitles) by EO Documentaires on Vimeo Dusty Bin Dreams was shown in Taiwan at the 2015 Taiwan International Ethnographic Film Festival, 4 October 2015. [discussions and details… ] 垃圾堆中的夢想 / 蔡季妙 Vanessa Tsai 夢想,在熱情的音樂、開朗的笑聲中開始,場景始於厄蕊絲‧哈吉拉(Eriss Khajira) 導演充滿愉悅的大臉,故事始於東非的丹多拉垃圾場(Dandora dumpsite)。拍這部片, 哈吉拉從心審視了她生活周遭的一切,那些在她生活裡經歷的人、事、物。 東非丹多拉垃圾場有什麼特別的呢?該是有很多人依靠「垃圾場」過活吧!佔地六十英畝的丹多拉垃圾場,可以有什麼?什麼都有!有漫天飛舞的塑膠袋、色彩繽紛的 衣物、還有很多來此覓食的大鸛鳥,更有「教科書」(一位片中人物)最愛看的書!「就是很大的 […]

Floating Projects Collective 2025