
Searching for tag: installation-arts

Linda Lai / A constellation with dotted connectivity: why I made a dispersive monument
Josef Bares / Lee Kai Chung, “So Many Quiet Walks to Take” – from archiving history to becoming private
Josef Bares / Wong Chun-hoi’s “Hardworking Burning Electricity”
聚疊遊戲-在工場走後門看天空 The ‘assemblage’ game: a piece of ceiling on the floor

聚疊遊戲-在工場走後門看天空 The ‘assemblage’ game: a piece of ceiling on the floor

「據點。句點」 成立了快半年,玩了三次聚疊遊戲,以現成物作為材料去「堆砌」一個「展覽」。我想在這裡中途總結一下至今的一些浮面的潛在規則。 0。身處展場,或用你的方法去存在於此 1。只能用你在時限內得到的材料,可以是撿拾的,可以是自己帶來的,總之不要浪費金錢 2。接受同場發生的任何事,並善用它,改變它,也必需接受展出期間的任何後期聚疊(即別人後加的改變或再創作)

Wendy Tai / Current… 戴煥婷的《流》

Wendy Tai / Current… 戴煥婷的《流》

– Wendy TAI Current opens on July 31 at FPC. Opening reception begins 6:00pm Exhibition period: 31.07-15.08.2010 #1 The gallery floor is covered in charcoal portraits. The portraits are drawn from a bird’s eye view, as if looking down at a mass of mingling people from above. It could be you. We are socially conditioned […]

Jolene Mok / “Pianovel” – learning to learn and how I learned / preview notes #4 for FPC’s 1st exhibition

Jolene Mok / “Pianovel” – learning to learn and how I learned / preview notes #4 for FPC’s 1st exhibition

發表於: 20 May 2010

Jolene Mok What to learn? What not to learn? We have to learn how to learn. What if we don’t want to learn but, still, we have to learn? Do we learn if we don’t want to learn?

CHEUNG Yu-tsz / It’s dinner time — family matters before the dinner table / preview notes #3 for FPC’s 1st exhibition

CHEUNG Yu-tsz / It’s dinner time — family matters before the dinner table / preview notes #3 for FPC’s 1st exhibition

In 喫飯啦 ﹣餐桌前的家, Cheung Yu-tsz searches through his childhood memories. Besides roaming around with her buddy friends, she finds dinner with her family leaving the strongest impressions. ...

Floating Projects Collective 2024