
Category: Creative Writings 創作性書寫

亮光?靈感?心有靈犀?都是神話。動手,下筆。書寫是以行動去發現。視覺、聽覺、觸覺、心、智、字、詞,渾然為一。與隱若的玩玩捉迷藏。Inspiration or intuition may work together. Most importantly, drop words on a surface. Discover, listen, be shocked and surprised... Writing invents and pushes boundaries as the act sustains...

LAM Kin-choi / 林建才手繪「逆流索引」三:日子   DAYS, “Quotidian Diversions: Kin-choi Lam in search of time lost” 03
Natalie Chao / Wilderness poems #3: “Indonesia, no video”
LAM Kin-choi / 林建才手繪「逆流索引」二:命  LIFE, “Quotidian Diversions: Kin-choi Lam in search of time lost” 02
LAM Kin-choi / 林建才手繪「逆流索引」一:街上的人  PEOPLE ON THE STREET, “Quotidian Diversions: Kin-choi Lam in search of time lost” 01
Ryan Chung / A Retrospective Look at Video Lesson as a Temporary Substitute for Face-to-Face Lesson 「思維自說自話」3: 錄像教案取代了面對面的教與學

Ryan Chung / A Retrospective Look at Video Lesson as a Temporary Substitute for Face-to-Face Lesson 「思維自說自話」3: 錄像教案取代了面對面的教與學

In his diary as a curious young teacher, Ryan Chung recounts the many problems he has encountered teaching children on-line during the COVID-19 homestay period. The question shifts: from how to make an interesting video lesson to what fuels the desire to learn. 當上小學老師不久,鍾樹仁遇上了 COVID-19 給他的考驗 — 如何製作好玩而花枝招展的錄像教案應付網上教學?很快,他知道要問的是另一種問題。

Linda Lai / PUSH – scary stories  「推」:怕怕故事

Linda Lai / PUSH – scary stories 「推」:怕怕故事

Push: Scary Stories is a story about story-telling in Linda Lai’s childhood, her land of fear and fascination co-created with her Grandma before bedtime. 「推」,推開了神秘的門,領進魔幻之地。《推:怕怕故事》推開了作者童年時候床頭說書的外婆伴著編織的幻想世界。這門,不過是眾多要推開的門的一道。

Linda Lai / A certain state of mind… poems from automatic writing (1) 不假思索 – 喃喃自語(一)

Linda Lai / A certain state of mind… poems from automatic writing (1) 不假思索 – 喃喃自語(一)

Push! And a door will open. Push is a special charm to Linda Lai, a magic word she has used for several of her artworks, “PUSH Push – automatism” shares glimpses of her mind-scape, an enigmatic zone with strides of montage and poetry.「推」,推開了神秘的門,領進魔幻之地。《推。推。不假思索》推開了作者某幾個時刻的紛繁思潮世界。斷、折,又絲連。是詩與蒙太奇的步履。

Natalie Chao / …in their dreams they will see where I went (Wilderness Poems #2)

Natalie Chao / …in their dreams they will see where I went (Wilderness Poems #2)

A second one in video Manifesto 2 artist Natalie A. Chao’s “Wilderness Poems” series, in connection to her video work Are We all Wilderness. 錄像宣言2創作人趙芷妮《荒野詩》系列作品2.

Ryan Chung / let the mind speak 2: Do You See What I See? 「思維自說自話」2 – 你看見我所看見的嗎?

Ryan Chung / let the mind speak 2: Do You See What I See? 「思維自說自話」2 – 你看見我所看見的嗎?

“Hopefully that’s not a boy’s answer.” Ryan Chung, graduated last summer with a Bachelor of Art & Science degree, allowed himself to follow what came by with utmost self-guarded curiosity. He is now a primary school teacher! In the closed laboratory of making the child for his future, he runs into a familiar boxing situation. 九個月不長也不短,卻足夠一個好奇而樂於隨機而伺的大學新鮮畢業生勘測四周。鍾樹仁沒想過會當上小學教師;面對孩童被模塑的場景,總是看到了多一點自己。例如:怎樣的答案才算是男孩的答案?何來這樣的問題?

Natalie Chao / the same old place, a poem (Wilderness Poems #1)
Floating Projects Collective 2024