
Category: Personally Speaking 私物語

發明你的字句,操練你的發聲,給未有名字的起個名,為碎片堆築一條路。Share it if we deserve it: thoughts on living and being, poetry, automatic writing… silences, speechlessness, noise, soundings… fragmentary thoughts in search of a path, elliptical sentiments, the unspeakable…

LAI Wai-leung / Wanchai 灣仔
Vanessa Tsai / 用心眼看「據點。句點」Seeing Floating Projects with my mind’s eye

Vanessa Tsai / 用心眼看「據點。句點」Seeing Floating Projects with my mind’s eye

Vanessa’s first visit to Floating Projects: could this be a special place for tourists? 蔡季妙靜觀據點和據點句點群體,問:為何不介紹找閒暇的遊者來看看?

Linda Lai / Curiosity of a young mind from 1999

Linda Lai / Curiosity of a young mind from 1999

/ Linda Lai I have been spending quite a bit of time digging up hidden waste to turn them into treasures for the Floating Projects — from my home, from my office, from my work studio… Happy to see the circulation of furniture and books and re-purposing of things accumulated through time. Last week, I […]

Evelyn Char / 恩寵、剝落、熄滅(四段之一)

Evelyn Char / 恩寵、剝落、熄滅(四段之一)

/ 查映嵐 (Evelyn CHAR) (i) 你是此生最美好的恩寵(當時我沒有發現),我或非你最愛之人, 但你的小身體,始終慷慨,可以無止境地給予,在你那裡沒有傷害,只有最深最純粹的,兩個生命體之間的交通。但這樣的恩寵被沒收了,如是我流落在這個荒野般的現世,再也沒有倚靠與憑藉,再也沒有歸去的處所。我獨自在這世上,失去恩寵的世界, 只剩下無止盡的黑暗,那是一個沒有光、沒有風、沒有水的星球,我衣不蔽體,只能在那裡承受並等待,接續而來的傷害。

LAI Wai-leung / 這裏 Here (at Floating Projects)

LAI Wai-leung / 這裏 Here (at Floating Projects)

FP writer, manager and barista Wai-leung Lai speaks of his 3-month experience at Floating Projects as a non-artist. 「據點」作者、場地經理、咖啡師黎偉亮從藝術圈局外人的觀點談「據點」籌備至開幕的三個月的所見所聞。

Vanessa Tsai / 夢窗 – 往異次元 Dreams are windows to other dimensions
LAI Wai-leung / 半生•咖啡•緣

LAI Wai-leung / 半生•咖啡•緣

香港人「嘆」甚麼咖啡?在那裡「嘆」?甚麼來頭的咖啡?多貴多便宜?據點作者從1970年代說起。What coffee did HK people enjoy? Where from? Where to have a cup of coffee? How expensive? How cheap? Any brandnames? FP manager and writer Wai-leung Lai recount his coffee experience since the 1970s.

Floating Projects Collective 2025