發明你的字句,操練你的發聲,給未有名字的起個名,為碎片堆築一條路。Share it if we deserve it: thoughts on living and being, poetry, automatic writing… silences, speechlessness, noise, soundings… fragmentary thoughts in search of a path, elliptical sentiments, the unspeakable…
In his diary as a curious young teacher, Ryan Chung recounts the many problems he has encountered teaching children on-line during the COVID-19 homestay period. The question shifts: from how to make an interesting video lesson to what fuels the desire to learn. 當上小學老師不久,鍾樹仁遇上了 COVID-19 給他的考驗 — 如何製作好玩而花枝招展的錄像教案應付網上教學?很快,他知道要問的是另一種問題。
Push: Scary Stories is a story about story-telling in Linda Lai’s childhood, her land of fear and fascination co-created with her Grandma before bedtime. 「推」,推開了神秘的門,領進魔幻之地。《推:怕怕故事》推開了作者童年時候床頭說書的外婆伴著編織的幻想世界。這門,不過是眾多要推開的門的一道。
To remember the crab cuisine of our city is also to remember the rise and fall of her glamour. FP writer Wai stock-took a dozen of connoisseur recipes and other popular ways to prepare crabs … 記住吃過甚麼,是記住自己存在過的一種方法。往事煙消雲散,舊物亦難再回味,FP 黎偉亮衹好挖掘記憶留下文字聊以解饞,亦算為本土飲食文化最輝煌時代留下點滴印記。十幾款蟹菜。一些消失了的名店。一些 DIY 的提示。
Push! And a door will open. Push is a special charm to Linda Lai, a magic word she has used for several of her artworks, “PUSH Push – automatism” shares glimpses of her mind-scape, an enigmatic zone with strides of montage and poetry.「推」,推開了神秘的門,領進魔幻之地。《推。推。不假思索》推開了作者某幾個時刻的紛繁思潮世界。斷、折,又絲連。是詩與蒙太奇的步履。
In the 6th piece of his “Just Around You” ficto-documentary series, FP writer Wai tells a familiar story often told in Hong Kong movies and TV series except that it is a real one. 黎偉亮在虛擬式記錄系列「總在你身邊」6 說了個耳熟能詳的香港邊緣人的故事,像極了電影電視橋段,只是…。「不是要寫一篇警世的文章,只想訴說人生的無奈,可憐可悲還可恨,祇能由自己決定。」
A second one in video Manifesto 2 artist Natalie A. Chao’s “Wilderness Poems” series, in connection to her video work Are We all Wilderness. 錄像宣言2創作人趙芷妮《荒野詩》系列作品2.
“Hopefully that’s not a boy’s answer.” Ryan Chung, graduated last summer with a Bachelor of Art & Science degree, allowed himself to follow what came by with utmost self-guarded curiosity. He is now a primary school teacher! In the closed laboratory of making the child for his future, he runs into a familiar boxing situation. 九個月不長也不短,卻足夠一個好奇而樂於隨機而伺的大學新鮮畢業生勘測四周。鍾樹仁沒想過會當上小學教師;面對孩童被模塑的場景,總是看到了多一點自己。例如:怎樣的答案才算是男孩的答案?何來這樣的問題?
Video Manifesto 2 artist Natalie A. Chao’s short poems with her own photography will appear in Floating Teatime: Personally Speaking over the next two months.
In our recent video Manifesto 2 Artists’ Workshops, Natalie A. Chao said the camera was there to protect herself on the many street events in Hong Kong since 2019. She questioned the camera’s invasive nature and wonder how her camera thinks. Textualizing images she “gleaned” in writing is then a necessary part of the imaging event. Here is a set of notes Natalie wrote while reflecting on a film she made, Are We All Wilderness? (2019), revised this year.