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Manifesto 2 team / “Documentary Impulses” Book Launch meeting series 02: motives for remembering《記述的衝動》新書發佈見面系列 02
Manifesto 2 team / “Documentary Impulses” Book Launch meeting series 01 《記述的衝動》新書發佈見面系列 01
Michael Leung / “Solidarity with Aarey” on site (video 2 of 4) 印度阿雷的盟友團結(駐場錄像四之二)

Michael Leung / “Solidarity with Aarey” on site (video 2 of 4) 印度阿雷的盟友團結(駐場錄像四之二)

Aarey Forest is a rich urban forest which is within the eco sensitive zone of Sanjay Gandhi National Park (SGNP). It is classified as mixed moist deciduous type forest. Leung’s video was shot in May 2018, at the time local people were experiencing deforestation by a new metro line and metro carriage depot.

Michael Leung / Drawing Paths Between 勾畫軌道,留住線索

Michael Leung / Drawing Paths Between 勾畫軌道,留住線索

The thickness of the present grows as a writer goes back to the past — to question the protagonists of a situation from the point of view of what they could have done and what they may become capable of. Michael Leung takes off describing how he no longer calls himself a beekeeper as multi-species solidarity becomes growingly important to him.

Michael Leung / “Bishan Village May 2015” on site (video 1 of 4) 五月碧山村(駐場錄像四之一)
Michael Leung / An Impossible Exhibition 駐場延伸:相遇於小誌締造可能性

Michael Leung / An Impossible Exhibition 駐場延伸:相遇於小誌締造可能性

Michael Leung’s “Publishing (to Find Each Other)” grows on-site through his month-long residency as he fills Floating Projects week by week with his 8-year collection and documented encounters. 駐場的一個月是片諾大的空間。梁志剛的小誌、社關活動和理念研究逐一冒現,把一個不可能的、長達八年的相遇與關係網絡的展陳、聚會變得可能。

The Ventriloquists 21. Coda. Highly appraised works at “The Ventriloquists…Thinking Narratively” 《腹語系》佳作選出,展覽放映研討圓滿結束。
The Ventriloquists 20. A narrative pictogram for Red Balloon 《紅氣球》解放路線圖

The Ventriloquists 20. A narrative pictogram for Red Balloon 《紅氣球》解放路線圖

The pictograms for this 101 moving image classic show more than just the exemplary precision of continuity editing and a classical 3-act structure in plotting. These pictograms function as analytical tools to show how the intensifying bond between the boy and the balloon evolves; to superimpose the 1955-56 location of the film Red Balloon onto the contemporary map of Paris, … and to single out the swerving energies and roughening emotions of the story world in mood-board like representation.《紅氣球》是學過活動影像拍攝的入門經典,或許是這樣,我們可能錯過了敘事藝術上的微細質感。氣球於小孩的動人關係不用質疑了,可是甚麼叫我們感動?這裡四個圖形分析,從唯物的層面揭示創作者的藝術心思,著我們不再輕易走漏眼。

The Ventriloquists 18. Love Earth in 3 photographs 愛地球?三段循環。

The Ventriloquists 18. Love Earth in 3 photographs 愛地球?三段循環。

A set of 3 black-and-white photographs on light-boxes speaks of Harmanjeet Singh’s warning on our destruction of the world. It’s a closed circuit, the looping of disasters: personal life-style, environmental pollution, illness and viral infection, extinction of the species, the world’s future… at Ventriloquists…Thinking narratively, 4-19 July 2020. 三張黑白照,串通個人、環境、體內、疾病、地球的未來。因與果是循環。

The Ventriloquists 17. Narrative pictograms for 2 animation pictures: Use Instructions, The Streets 動畫敘事掩眼法。兩個例子。

The Ventriloquists 17. Narrative pictograms for 2 animation pictures: Use Instructions, The Streets 動畫敘事掩眼法。兩個例子。

Caroline Leaf’s The Street shows montage at work by abolishing the shot-to-shot editing system of continuity. Guido Manuli’s Use Instructions is a series of synecdoche through which we are dragged down to hell to the final destruction of Earth. Both animation pictures play with the 3-act structure dramatic conventions. Two narrative pictograms augment what is just beneath the surface of pleasing imaging. 動畫的敘事法花枝招展,起承轉合是借用觀眾熟識的架構安置觀眾,看真是掩眼法。《街道》以水彩的流動取締了傳統分鏡的敘事法,鏡頭接合的文法銷毀,蒙太奇的效果卻豐盈漲滿,記憶的行動成了一場戲。《用家指南》的舉寓令人捧腹大笑,狂笑後往未來看,是希望的滅絕,地球成了渣滓糞便,是誰開始的超級玩笑?

Floating Projects Collective 2025