Linda Lai / From thick descriptions to radical empiricism: In Defense of Manifestos (4) 聲影的純厚描述衍生革新的經驗論:繼續宣言(4)

Linda Lai / From thick descriptions to radical empiricism: In Defense of Manifestos (4) 聲影的純厚描述衍生革新的經驗論:繼續宣言(4)

In part 4 of Linda Lai’s Prolog reproduced for Floating Teatime, she accounted for how Manifestos 2 evolved from Manifestos 1 — a major shift from a Deleuzian contemplation of time and space to radical empiricism. 《我們的錄像書寫2》「序言」轉載的第4節:黎肖嫻指出從「宣言一」到「宣言二」的衍化和突破:跳出德勒茲式對活動影像中對時間的純厚描述而重點轉移到革新的經驗論。

Linda Lai / The Dialectics of Fluid Manifestos: In Defense of Manifestos (3) 宣言、記述的辯證關係,創造知識的能量,繼續宣言(3)

Linda Lai / The Dialectics of Fluid Manifestos: In Defense of Manifestos (3) 宣言、記述的辯證關係,創造知識的能量,繼續宣言(3)

Our Manifestos II upholds videography beyond the concern of moving image aesthetics and opens up the ethics of art practices to embrace the complex, crisis-ridden contexts in which we live. In the 3rd of the 5-part series, Linda Lai maintains the necessity of manifesto-writing to be fluid, performative, dialectical practices.《我們的錄像宣言2》於「據點一杯茶」5次連載的第3篇:黎肖嫻堅持宣言寫作思維實踐上的獨立性,撇開西方現代性的歷史包袱,辯證的、演述式的、柔潤的發揮宣言的力,儘管如何短暫,有待轉化。

Linda Lai / The material form of remembering: thought paths and mute speech: In Defense of Manifestos (2) 「記好」的物質性,思路啞音微敘事:繼續宣言(2)

Linda Lai / The material form of remembering: thought paths and mute speech: In Defense of Manifestos (2) 「記好」的物質性,思路啞音微敘事:繼續宣言(2)

The “Prolog” of “Our Manifestos II” (2021.05) explicitly examines videography as a way of living, an attitude of life, and the quest for in-depth transformation in the midst of complex, crisis living. In the 2nd of the 5-part series, Linda Lai discusses videography as soundings, ways to voice out as crafted thought paths, the materiality of remembering as micro narratives.《我們的錄像宣言2》於「據點一杯茶」5次連載的第2篇:黎肖嫻開宗明義把錄像書寫看為一種創作人的活的型態和取向,以至於對深度轉化的渴求。如是,對錄像書寫的認知遠超狹義的藝術操守和理所當然的影像美學。這次,她提出了錄像書寫作為「發聲」的藝術的面向。「記住」,必須透過「思路」的展現,而這就是錄像的「微」敘事性格。

Linda Lai / Preserving the Energy of Videography: In Defense of Manifestos (1) 就為了滋養創造知識的能量,繼續宣言(1)

Linda Lai / Preserving the Energy of Videography: In Defense of Manifestos (1) 就為了滋養創造知識的能量,繼續宣言(1)

The “Prolog” of “Our Manifestos II: Videography, Documentary Impulses” (2021.05) explicitly examines videography as a way of living, an attitude of life, and the quest for in-depth transformation in the midst of complex, crisis living. In 5 parts, project initiator Linda Lai relates the process of the book-creation project and the different takes of the many artists involved. Part 1 describes the meandering journey. 「據點一杯茶」將以5次短篇連載《我們的錄像宣言2:記述的衝動》的序言。黎肖嫻開宗明義把錄像書寫看為一種創作人的活的型態和取向,以至於對深度轉化的渴求,以對應如何活在繁複、糾結、充滿噪音的當下。如是,錄像書寫的認知和反省遠超狹義的藝術操守和理所當然的影像美學。首篇記述召集各方創作人合力分享所穿過的崎嶇過程。

Natalie Chao, Linda Lai / Postscript 2 to Manifestos 2’s 2nd book launch conversation 錄像宣言2新書發佈網路研討後記:更多對話

Natalie Chao, Linda Lai / Postscript 2 to Manifestos 2’s 2nd book launch conversation 錄像宣言2新書發佈網路研討後記:更多對話

“Motives for. Remembering,” the 2nd book launch conversation for Our Manifestos 2: Videography, Documentary Impulses took place on-line 28 May. The conversations continue as Natalie Chao wrote to Linda Lai after her postscript with Zach McLane, this time, delving into how our body remembers and why manifesto-writing will not be obsolete. … 「錄像宣言2」新書發佈會2 — 網絡研討會『為何要記住』5月28日在據點舉行。繼 Zach McLane 傳來研討後記,另一位年青影像創作人趙芷妮又透過電郵與黎肖嫻進行跟進討論,想起身體如何記住,為何還要寫宣言。

Zach McLane + Linda Lai / Postscript to Manifesto 2’s book launch conversation 2 (28 May) 錄像宣言2新書發佈網路研討後記:一點對話

Zach McLane + Linda Lai / Postscript to Manifesto 2’s book launch conversation 2 (28 May) 錄像宣言2新書發佈網路研討後記:一點對話

The 2nd of the three book launch events for “Our Manifestos 2: Videography, Documentary Impulse” took place on-line last night with our artists participating from the Los Angeles, London, HK and Shanghai in the form of a webinar. Zach McLane and Linda Lai had a follow-up email conversation in which Zach points out issues for further address — now published as a postscript to the webinar… 「錄像宣言2」新書發佈會2 (網絡研討會)昨晚在據點舉行,受邀參與這計劃的藝術家來自美英中港。會後 LA 的年青創作人 Zach McLane 與黎肖嫻進行了小小的電郵跟進討論,點出了未來有待深化的議題。

Manifesto 2 team / “Documentary Impulses” Book Launch meeting series 03《記述的衝動》新書發佈見面系列 03

Manifesto 2 team / “Documentary Impulses” Book Launch meeting series 03《記述的衝動》新書發佈見面系列 03

Book Launch. Celebration. Meet the Artists. Third book launch event (in Cantonese), 6 June 2021, introduces 4 of the 49 teams/artists in OUR MANIFESTOS 2, to give us a foretaste of the works and personal manifestos in the 365-page book, released on 2 June 2021. ALL are welcome. The new book will be available for sale.

John Batten / Andio Lai: having an audience makes an artwork complete 黎仲民堅信觀眾可以令藝術作品變得完整。

John Batten / Andio Lai: having an audience makes an artwork complete 黎仲民堅信觀眾可以令藝術作品變得完整。

黎仲民的藝術方式通常都悠閒愉快,且以觀眾為主;他堅信觀眾可以令藝術作品變得完整。Lai’s approach to art is generally care-free and audience centred. Andio Lai’s art brings a playful happiness to viewers and exhibition participants; he believes having an audience makes an artwork complete. John Batten spoke with Andio Lai.

Manifesto 2 team / “Documentary Impulses” Book Launch meeting series 02: motives for remembering《記述的衝動》新書發佈見面系列 02
Manifesto 2 team / “Documentary Impulses” Book Launch meeting series 01 《記述的衝動》新書發佈見面系列 01
Floating Projects Collective 2025