Evelyn Char / 走過泡菜大地(二):韓國光州、1980…2016 Gwangju’s ACC: site of revolt transfigured

Evelyn Char / 走過泡菜大地(二):韓國光州、1980…2016 Gwangju’s ACC: site of revolt transfigured

Evelyn Char explores South Korea’s biggest state-own Asia Culture Center, which archives art historical documents from various countries in Asia. She discovers that this new national monumental sits right on the former site of the 10-day long Gwuangju (Kwangju) Uprising in 1980 (aka May 18 Democratic Uprising, UNESCO), or Gwangju Democratization Movement.

Allison H. / Ocean Emotion #3: “Little Sound”

Allison H. / Ocean Emotion #3: “Little Sound”

Ocean Emotion is Taipei-based young artist Allison H.‘s contribution to the Floating Teatime. Each of her poems about her everyday encounters will be matched with one image from her own personal photography archive. … “Little Sound” probes into living things in her kitchen… 2016.09.21  

Vicky Do / Space | power | IDENTITIES: a Review of the image exhibition, “What Do You Want For Tomorrow”

Vicky Do / Space | power | IDENTITIES: a Review of the image exhibition, “What Do You Want For Tomorrow”

Photographer Vicky Do reviews “What Do You Want For Tomorrow” (2016.08.10-2016.09.26, HK Heritage Museum) curated by Wong Wo-bik and Stella Tang. She finds this 12-woman art event more than a photography show or one that tokenizes women.

Allison H. / Ocean Emotion #2: “Hostage”
WONG Fuk-kuen /《現在進行》一思再思 Present Continuous: still thinking…

WONG Fuk-kuen /《現在進行》一思再思 Present Continuous: still thinking…

Critique, review, critique, self-discovery, artistic experimentation, critique, articulation, self-discovery… Wong Fuk-kuen finds himself in this recurrent routine Floating Projects highly values. Extreme modes of artistic exploration of things in our physical world often push us (him) in the direction of science… Danger, Wong finds, is the unique interface he generates in his exploration.

Evelyn Char / 走過泡菜大地(一):韓國光州及首爾的藝旅勾描,光州雙年展以外 Art in Gwangju and Seoul beyond the biennales

Evelyn Char / 走過泡菜大地(一):韓國光州及首爾的藝旅勾描,光州雙年展以外 Art in Gwangju and Seoul beyond the biennales

A deliberate dual emphasis on domestic artists and international stars, the care for documentation and criticism as regular agenda items, and growing experiments on alternative independent art-space models from within the art community… Evelyn Char notes her observation in a recent art tour to Gwangju and Seoul.

Hugo Yeung / “But art is ambiguous.”

Hugo Yeung / “But art is ambiguous.”

Hugo Yeung accounts for what his first solo show, What Death Tells Me, tells him about cinema. Shuttling between sound, image and story, the drifting open-ended journey amounts to a narrative mode and experience afforded only by digital data and computational cinema.

Winnie Yan / 距離的温度 The Temperature of Distance

Winnie Yan / 距離的温度 The Temperature of Distance

Some works are to be sensed rather than comprehended… Winnie Yan finds a natural connection with Jess Lau and Kin-choi Lam’s duet — with their art pieces as much as the two individuals. …能找到兩位同伴會默默地感受一場雨…絕不容易。

Allison H. / Ocean Emotion #1: “Insomnia”
Winnie Yan / 聲音觀察誌 Observing sounds…

Winnie Yan / 聲音觀察誌 Observing sounds…

Winnie Yan recounts her stagger towards appreciating sound-making that encourages the immediacy of exchange versus music for trained ears… 忻慧妍的聲音觀察誌 - 如何一步一步挨近聲音藝術。

Floating Projects Collective 2025