
Searching for tag: floating-projects-open-door

Barren Rock Artchive 無用石 / 【Notes 筆記】Withstanding the collapse of our world《殘酷與美好》面對崩壞的世界

Barren Rock Artchive 無用石 / 【Notes 筆記】Withstanding the collapse of our world《殘酷與美好》面對崩壞的世界

Barren Rock Artchive’s review on the dual-show “Ferocity & Wonderment” (Jan 2-Feb05) at Floating Projects, originally shared on 13 January 2022, is now re-posted at Floating Teatime’ ArtNotes with the author’s permission. 原文發表於無用石的面書和 Instagram (2022.01.13)。感謝分享於「據點一杯茶」文字平台。

MA Wik + WONG Sin / Desolate Prairie And Warm Prairie 咀嚼咀嚼⋯⋯荒涼草原與溫暖草原

MA Wik + WONG Sin / Desolate Prairie And Warm Prairie 咀嚼咀嚼⋯⋯荒涼草原與溫暖草原

2022.01.02-02.05. The duo Ma Wik (Joyce) and Wong Sin (Zero) opened their “Ferocity & Wonderment” with a happening impregnated with recitation and sounds. The two artists share the text of their live reading below… 馬域和汪倩的雙個《殘酷與美好》以即興行為作序幕。聲音和朗誦一地灌滿。朗讀的文本在此分享。

MAKE FOR GREEN, 4 briefs for participatory design-fiction for climate action 四個造「綠」的參與性點子
FPC / Micro Narratives 2021 “Layered Vision” 「微敘事」系列2021 《層層看》
Sketch 2: Floating, Surfing, Working on…  再稿: 浮遊,流動,工作進行中

Sketch 2: Floating, Surfing, Working on… 再稿: 浮遊,流動,工作進行中

“Sketch 2” picks up the question of what a sketch could do beyond drawing, beyond pen and paper, beyond the concept of a draft. Sketch is an extempore — on the spur of the moment, an artist encounter the many more possibilities awaiting. FPC members’ pop-up show will be kicked off by an initial assemblage event with modifications in 21 days.《再稿》– 自2018年後《稿展》再度出擊。打開「稿」的種類、載媒、應用和意義,也是「據點。句點」成員的再一次聚疊,透過展示他/她們的「稿」件,用另一種方法展示他/她們的藝術關注和創作上的路徑。21天。天天換景,重組再疊。行動就是探索。

Linda Lai for FP / Fresh videos, in-depth transformation: 3 thoughtfully crafted journeys of the selves 三種深度轉化:三段不一的旅程

Linda Lai for FP / Fresh videos, in-depth transformation: 3 thoughtfully crafted journeys of the selves 三種深度轉化:三段不一的旅程

19 June 2021 六月十九日. Three video essays on living through time with one’s bodily presence. Tracey Ngai acts out her retrospection. Faith Monsod turns image objects into a passage to the infinite liminal. Pun Tsz-wai’s past resides in media artefacts and urban legends. Three fresh videos completed in May 2021, premiered at Floating Projects. 三個今年五月新鮮出爐的錄像文章。據點首次亮相。記憶是甚麼?我是誰?我的根是甚麼?用身體的實存與行動。魏芷軍演述;潘子懷在都市神話中設置自己;Faith Monsod 的主體盡在可翻開可啄蘑的聲影碎片中。

Tokyo Doughnut, Audiobook read by Michael Leung 東京甜甜圈

Tokyo Doughnut, Audiobook read by Michael Leung 東京甜甜圈

Michael Leung continues to introduce the variations of his zine-making — fiction as .an audio book. 梁志剛繼續展示他的小誌創作的不同媒體變奏 — 這回是一個原以有聲讀物現身的短編故事。

Michael Leung / “Solidarity with Aarey” on site (video 2 of 4) 印度阿雷的盟友團結(駐場錄像四之二)

Michael Leung / “Solidarity with Aarey” on site (video 2 of 4) 印度阿雷的盟友團結(駐場錄像四之二)

Aarey Forest is a rich urban forest which is within the eco sensitive zone of Sanjay Gandhi National Park (SGNP). It is classified as mixed moist deciduous type forest. Leung’s video was shot in May 2018, at the time local people were experiencing deforestation by a new metro line and metro carriage depot.

Michael Leung / Drawing Paths Between 勾畫軌道,留住線索

Michael Leung / Drawing Paths Between 勾畫軌道,留住線索

The thickness of the present grows as a writer goes back to the past — to question the protagonists of a situation from the point of view of what they could have done and what they may become capable of. Michael Leung takes off describing how he no longer calls himself a beekeeper as multi-species solidarity becomes growingly important to him.

Michael Leung / “Bishan Village May 2015” on site (video 1 of 4) 五月碧山村(駐場錄像四之一)
Floating Projects Collective 2025