個人沈溺可以是有趣的,只要分享,找你的「專家」同路人。咖啡,只是個起頭、代號…。又或你有呷一杯茶的瞬間可以吞吐的一個臨時想法。Everything about coffee... … Coffee plants. Coffee beans. Coffee plantation. Roasted beans. Fair trade. Genesis of coffee drinking. Coffee pots. Coffee cups. Coffee makers. Hand-crafted coffee. Coffee-drinking culture. Coffee and health. Coffee as medicine. Coffee as leisure. Discourse ownership of coffee culture. History of cafes. Politics of world produces. First generation coffee culture. Second generation coffee culture. Third generation coffee culture. Fourth generation coffee culture. Connoisseur perspective. Political history of coffee culture. Coffee academy. Barista. Cafes. Coffee furniture. Coffee-table books. … We are joking!!! Replace “coffee” with any noun — personal obsessions of yours. A tentative thought that may fuel up the slow sip of a cuppa.
In the 6th piece of his “Just Around You” ficto-documentary series, FP writer Wai tells a familiar story often told in Hong Kong movies and TV series except that it is a real one. 黎偉亮在虛擬式記錄系列「總在你身邊」6 說了個耳熟能詳的香港邊緣人的故事,像極了電影電視橋段,只是…。「不是要寫一篇警世的文章,只想訴說人生的無奈,可憐可悲還可恨,祇能由自己決定。」
A second one in video Manifesto 2 artist Natalie A. Chao’s “Wilderness Poems” series, in connection to her video work Are We all Wilderness. 錄像宣言2創作人趙芷妮《荒野詩》系列作品2.
The sight of a wild animal turned convenient pet reminded Vanessa Tsai a questionable utilitarian attitude towards animals, and thus also self-justification in other areas of life. 蔡季妙目睹一隻狐獴成了寵物,驚覺實用功利價值為先的態度,灌滿了日常生活,扭曲了道德的邏輯性。
Video Manifesto 2 artist Natalie A. Chao’s short poems with her own photography will appear in Floating Teatime: Personally Speaking over the next two months.
In the 5th piece of his “Just Around You” series, FP writer/manager Wai delivers a self-dialogue through two fictional characters… How to live with hope and what hope is in store?「總在你身邊」要說的是這個地方普通人的故事,其中人物的名字或故事情節容或杜撰,但角色的處境及遭遇皆為我所知所遇所見所聞,志在刻劃現實。系列的第五篇有如一個人的一個「我 」和自己的另一個「我」在聊天,在這個城市最艱辛的一年給自己加把勁。
Here we have recorded thoughts that could only be preserved and shared in words, from FPC members, including those just arriving and departing, between FP 1.0 and FP 2.0. 「據點。句點」1.0 與 2.0 之間,新成員、舊成員、離開了的成員,都用上了時間去勾畫這片據點。
FP insider Wai-leung Lai (FP writer) takes an outsider’s view on the 3-year FP 1.0 at Wong Chuk Hang. 據點作者黎偉亮用局中人的局外視點輕輕的回看在黃竹坑的「據點 」第一個三年。
In the 4th piece of his “Just Around You” series, FP writer/manager Wai reconstructs a shared HK experience from 15 years ago, which is also a lament for loss…「總在你身邊」要說的是這個地方普通人的故事,其中人物的名字或故事情節容或杜撰,但角色的處境及遭遇皆為我所知所遇所見所聞,志在刻劃現實。系列的第四篇較為特別,重塑15年前的集體經驗,也是一篇悼文。
Part 1 of artist/scholar Linda Lai’s multi-episode narrative poem on living across two centuries, a contemplation on time and space as experienced… written over a cup of hot chocolate – English version. 2018年元旦日,黎肖嫻用了一個小時呷著一杯和暖的巧克力。這樣,兩個世紀的心情、不同的時空對策忽然安好坐落在一個思維地表之上,連線起來。
FP writer Wai-leung Lai turned his sentiments for the thick urban space of Hong Kong into fictional encounters in a serial. Part 3 seems to be a story of the person next door, whose emotions spill over three kinds of coffee-drinking. 黎偉亮寫實、描述、虛擬。是認知、理解世界的滾軸過程。說是故事其實是鄰家的她或他,沒有對錯,難分悲喜。真正的故事,始於敘事結束之後… …,唯一實實在在的是可點可喝的咖啡。