
Category: Coffee Fantasia 咖啡經

個人沈溺可以是有趣的,只要分享,找你的「專家」同路人。咖啡,只是個起頭、代號…。又或你有呷一杯茶的瞬間可以吞吐的一個臨時想法。Everything about coffee... … Coffee plants. Coffee beans. Coffee plantation. Roasted beans. Fair trade. Genesis of coffee drinking. Coffee pots. Coffee cups. Coffee makers. Hand-crafted coffee. Coffee-drinking culture. Coffee and health. Coffee as medicine. Coffee as leisure. Discourse ownership of coffee culture. History of cafes. Politics of world produces. First generation coffee culture. Second generation coffee culture. Third generation coffee culture. Fourth generation coffee culture. Connoisseur perspective. Political history of coffee culture. Coffee academy. Barista. Cafes. Coffee furniture. Coffee-table books. … We are joking!!! Replace “coffee” with any noun — personal obsessions of yours. A tentative thought that may fuel up the slow sip of a cuppa.

Multiple artists / Voices from the Atmosphere (2): reconnecting, quarantine diaries… 「大氣中融融細語」(二): 嘗試連線,隔離日記
Voices from the Atmosphere (1): archiving thought paths in days of isolation 「大氣中融融細語」(一): 隔離日子的思路的庫存
Cutting Thoughts 04 剪紙憶思之四

Cutting Thoughts 04 剪紙憶思之四

In the 4th piece of her Cutting Thoughts, NY-based artist Cici Wu articulated her liminal state in search of her presence as part of multiple continua — human and cosmic. 《剪紙憶思》之四。武雨濛讓思潮流淌是自由,涓流所到之處風景卻不一樣。個人、存在、氣質,都在眾數的連續體中浮沈、穿梭,自有其道。

Cutting Thoughts 01 剪紙憶思之一

Cutting Thoughts 01 剪紙憶思之一

Part 1 of New York-based HK artist Cici Wu’s diary series during her extended stay in Hong Kong beyond her quarantine, while awaiting the next segment of her journey. Dreams, memories and thoughts blend alongside a series of paper-cutting…

總在你身邊 (十):明日的回憶 Just Around You 10: Remembrance of Tomorrow

總在你身邊 (十):明日的回憶 Just Around You 10: Remembrance of Tomorrow

Speaking through faint old objects, FP Manager/writer Wai-leung Lai re-experienced his past as a precarious future as he packed up the public estate flat where he grew up. 與母親收拾細軟之際,據點作者黎偉亮鑽進這個她守望了半個世紀的公屋小宅,順道借舊物說說往事一二,比比今昔。從昏黃細物中,他看見了似近實遠、隱而即現的「未來」。

Sketch 2: Floating, Surfing, Working on…  再稿: 浮遊,流動,工作進行中

Sketch 2: Floating, Surfing, Working on… 再稿: 浮遊,流動,工作進行中

“Sketch 2” picks up the question of what a sketch could do beyond drawing, beyond pen and paper, beyond the concept of a draft. Sketch is an extempore — on the spur of the moment, an artist encounter the many more possibilities awaiting. FPC members’ pop-up show will be kicked off by an initial assemblage event with modifications in 21 days.《再稿》– 自2018年後《稿展》再度出擊。打開「稿」的種類、載媒、應用和意義,也是「據點。句點」成員的再一次聚疊,透過展示他/她們的「稿」件,用另一種方法展示他/她們的藝術關注和創作上的路徑。21天。天天換景,重組再疊。行動就是探索。

Loose ends: the dinosaur returns (quarantine diaries 06) 綿碎的日常:跨越對恐龍的想像 (隔離手記 06)
A point and its divergence (quarantine diaries 05) 衍生性的想像 (隔離手記 05)

A point and its divergence (quarantine diaries 05) 衍生性的想像 (隔離手記 05)

Quarantine fantasia… an evolving list of moving images. Linda Lai’s quarantine diaries 05. 隔離狂想。不斷連線的活動影像。黎肖嫻「隔離手記」第5篇。

Take Care of Myself, the artist’s way (quarantine diaries 03) 好好照顧自己,藝術創作人的隨意 (隔離手記 03)

Take Care of Myself, the artist’s way (quarantine diaries 03) 好好照顧自己,藝術創作人的隨意 (隔離手記 03)

換換口味團團轉。數碼式的日常。黎肖像找來了兩個有關著自己在房裡的學生們的作業,借此對隔離的狀態發出另一種的迴響。A chance game. Linda Lai found, in two of her students’ video exercises, varied episodes of contemplating being as doing in a room of confinement. Quarantine journey 3…

Low Burning with a window view (quarantine diaries 02) 窗外有景,室內慢燃 (隔離手記 02)

Low Burning with a window view (quarantine diaries 02) 窗外有景,室內慢燃 (隔離手記 02)

黎肖嫻《隔離手記》二。天南地北,其實都是斗室裡發放出來的微溫和希望,繼續活著。Now the second of her on-going quarantine journals, Linda Lai pushes a room of confinement into a node of connectivity. Many possible conversations.

Floating Projects Collective 2025