最重要是可以繼續呼吸,腳下還有可站立的地,或許可以生根。好好照顧自己。Live well. Be nice to Earth. Food ethics. Anti-consumerist life-style. Good recipes to share. Good survival tips. Take good care of yourself, your body and your mind… …
In the 3rd of a 4-piece contemplation on her overstaying in home city Hong Kong, Cici Wu persists in grasping the complexity of the city’s colonial experience, but can’t help linking that to the impossibility of a definite denouement in life encounters. 《剪紙憶思》之三。讓流淌的思潮穿梭於殖民經驗的繁複性,以至生活機遇的沒有清晰的結局。
In the 2nd of a 4-piece contemplation on her overstaying in home city Hong Kong, artist Cici Wu articulated her liminal state as writing and paper-cutting moments. Love has no tenses. Experiences are difficult to compare without a shared framework of value. 《剪紙憶思》之二。讓思潮流淌是自由,涓流所到之處風景卻不一樣。武雨濛的點滴。
Part 1 of New York-based HK artist Cici Wu’s diary series during her extended stay in Hong Kong beyond her quarantine, while awaiting the next segment of her journey. Dreams, memories and thoughts blend alongside a series of paper-cutting…
因讀書會的推介而細讀波茲曼的《娛樂至死》20週年台灣中譯本的據點作者蔡季妙,深刻檢視了作為自然科學的小學教師的本位,策問:有趣的教學和嚴肅深度的學習真的不可共存?Taiwan-based FP writer and science teacher to children Vanessa Tsai read Neil Postman’s Amusing Ourselves to Death and asked if she must choose between entertainment and serious teaching in order to be effective, or if that is a false binary.
Speaking through faint old objects, FP Manager/writer Wai-leung Lai re-experienced his past as a precarious future as he packed up the public estate flat where he grew up. 與母親收拾細軟之際,據點作者黎偉亮鑽進這個她守望了半個世紀的公屋小宅,順道借舊物說說往事一二,比比今昔。從昏黃細物中,他看見了似近實遠、隱而即現的「未來」。
Make For Green brings together 12 strangers to enact a community of fledging survivors of a coastal community at the edge of time, prompted by 4 sets of brief for action, initiated by Ray LC and other researchers…
MAKE FOR GREEN, conceived by FP member Ray LC with other researchers, resulted in a pop-up exhibition of participatory art works using design fiction approach to actions for climate change. Although the show is finished, Ray shares the process, rationale, and deliverables of this short exercise.
換換口味團團轉。數碼式的日常。黎肖像找來了兩個有關著自己在房裡的學生們的作業,借此對隔離的狀態發出另一種的迴響。A chance game. Linda Lai found, in two of her students’ video exercises, varied episodes of contemplating being as doing in a room of confinement. Quarantine journey 3…
黎肖嫻《隔離手記》二。天南地北,其實都是斗室裡發放出來的微溫和希望,繼續活著。Now the second of her on-going quarantine journals, Linda Lai pushes a room of confinement into a node of connectivity. Many possible conversations.
就是為了記好。黎肖嫻點線面多方切入,一個簡單的回家的動作,牽出地球的年曆和極微的人的想像力的理肌。七天隔離變二十一天。三番四次不是航班取消就是酒店鬧房荒。怎回也回不了家。這是在造夢嗎?… 終於,她正式寫下抵港後隔離手記的第一篇。