
Category: Eat Well Drink Well Breathe Well 吃好喝好透心涼

最重要是可以繼續呼吸,腳下還有可站立的地,或許可以生根。好好照顧自己。Live well. Be nice to Earth. Food ethics. Anti-consumerist life-style. Good recipes to share. Good survival tips. Take good care of yourself, your body and your mind… …

機器學習 Collecting, compiling and variations, 2 new FP creative monographs

機器學習 Collecting, compiling and variations, 2 new FP creative monographs

FP new member Ray LC’s two creative monographs are now available at FP’s sales corner, adding to FP’s growing list of publication which includes anthologies, small-print catalogues, online video zines and zine series. 「據點。句點」新成員羅銳的兩個小量印刷的單行本。一本是作者自行與開源的機器學習協作的詩本創作,探究私密的情感在語文句法的衍生變奏上會變成甚麼。另一本則是對環保認知普及化的回應;收集,遊說,敘事化,一個核心,多方的場景、面貌。

The Cave and the Boxes: variations of confinement (quarantine diaries 01)
Emilie Choi / 「錄像宣言2」:如此時代,我們如何記錄?Manifesto-2: In such a time… how do we document?

Emilie Choi / 「錄像宣言2」:如此時代,我們如何記錄?Manifesto-2: In such a time… how do we document?

***Our Manifesto 2: Videography, Documentary Impulse will be out end of April. Please stay tuned. Manifesto 2 team member Emilie Choi connects the project to the current HK context.《我們的錄像宣言2:記述的衝動》將於2021年4月底面世,請密切留意。計劃工作隊成員蔡倩怡率先作引,從當下的香港看錄像書寫的特殊意義。

WONG Fuk-kuen / 我與彈珠人:小孩的他和三十歲的他接軌了。 B-Daman and I: once a kid, now I’m 30

WONG Fuk-kuen / 我與彈珠人:小孩的他和三十歲的他接軌了。 B-Daman and I: once a kid, now I’m 30

「我跟彈珠人有一種緣份,跨越了二十多年時間,這種特殊的喜愛也是一樣的。無論在小學,還是到現在,相比其他漫畫,這個故事情節也比較真實…。」(2017,黃福權)成年人眼中的沈溺,在一個小孩來說,或許是有他們的原因的,也可以是一生的能源的暗出口。今天的他再回顧小六時候的記憶。Wong Fuk-kuen sees a clear linkage between the young kid and the adult of himself through the marble shooting toy B-Daman. Here, he speaks of the 20-something-year attachment.

Vanessa Tsai / 也說說寫寫我的少小時候  Loose thoughts on my childhood days, all those years…

Vanessa Tsai / 也說說寫寫我的少小時候 Loose thoughts on my childhood days, all those years…

一個小時的飛航時間,把香港和台灣分隔成兩個歷史溯源和軌跡有交疊卻體驗不一樣的生活世界。又或者,貌不似而神似?身為小學老師的「據點」海外作者蔡季妙用今天的視野去「重訪」小時候的自己,不期然想起了教科書。Primary school teacher Vanessa Tsai, FP overseas contributor, revisits her young self through the lens of contemporary society: her primary school textbooks and experiences weigh on her massively. How is Hong Kong and Taiwan linked to and set off from one another other than the 1-hour flight that sets them apart?

Jess Lau / 藉水而流的家族故事 Family stories along the flow

Jess Lau / 藉水而流的家族故事 Family stories along the flow

眼前的一切像多年的堆積,與之共存的是看不見的已被拆毀的家族過去的小節的餘韻。說到家族,也不是家國大族的堂煌,而是一張具體的網,連接、輸送、維繫,有個物理的據點。據點藝術家劉清華的「田野」訪談,拖出了「生存」的問題。如何活?我們如何從過去走到當下?過去的可以延伸下去,因為我們記得,而且還(用方法)記住。A community art project opens the door to a street of rich family stories in To Kwa Wan (Kowloon) for FP artist Jess Lau, thus also an old family story she has not dared to touch until now. Unlike tycoon stories of a growing empire, ordinary family stories are full of “holes” irreparable yet holding together those who refuse to forget.

LAI Wai-leung / 總在你身邊 (九) – 起身喇! Just Around You 9: “Wakey-wakey!”

LAI Wai-leung / 總在你身邊 (九) – 起身喇! Just Around You 9: “Wakey-wakey!”

What was life like for an ordinary kid growing up in crammed flats in public housing? Tough, but ordinary, when the notion of “poverty” was not turned into an ideology that undermines you. 1960s, 1970s. Hong Kong. FP writer Wai-leung Lai recalls… 只有最基本的資源也是日子的一種。活著總有生趣,就看你。那是當「缺乏豪華生活」未被化成統計,未被化作意識形態之前…。普通人的普通故事。

A digital star cake for October celebrants! 數碼蛋糕:送給十月份的慶生者…

A digital star cake for October celebrants! 數碼蛋糕:送給十月份的慶生者…

To birthday boys and girls in October… It’s a month marked by monumentalism — 1st and 10th, Russia, China, KMT and more… Occupy our speaking space. Articulate. Another dialogue in poetry… 十月有人生日。別讓俄國革命、十一雙十的歷史碑誌重量大石壓死魚蝦蟹。我有我的說話空間,我有我的故事。發聲,接合。另一次雙人詩對。

六顆子彈 6 Bullets, an exchange

六顆子彈 6 Bullets, an exchange

FPC dialogues… Jess Lau wrote a poem and shared it with Linda Lai, who wrote a poem in response. The exchange develops into that of images. 劉清華隨心寫了一首詩,分享了給黎肖嫻。黎回了另一首詩。後來這個對話由文字推至圖像。

Linda Lai / 方寸之間。氣流。你在牆上留了個暗號。Love in the Time of COVID-19. You’ve left a mark at the foot of the wall. (a poem)

Linda Lai / 方寸之間。氣流。你在牆上留了個暗號。Love in the Time of COVID-19. You’ve left a mark at the foot of the wall. (a poem)

她(黎肖嫻)寫了一首別人的情詩。已沒有話可述說愛情,只知道「想」之際自覺存在多一點。找文學對愛情的書寫,總覺女作家和男作家的視野不盡相同。沒有性別基要主義。只是好奇。想聽讀者們的回贈,讓她不落入自說自話的荒涼。Linda Lai wrote a poem contemplating the phenomenology of being in love and losing it. Great quotes from the internet were grabbed in search of the male protagonist’s voice, says she. Let’s have a conversation!

Floating Projects Collective 2025