最重要是可以繼續呼吸,腳下還有可站立的地,或許可以生根。好好照顧自己。Live well. Be nice to Earth. Food ethics. Anti-consumerist life-style. Good recipes to share. Good survival tips. Take good care of yourself, your body and your mind… …
In the 4th piece of his “Just Around You” series, FP writer/manager Wai reconstructs a shared HK experience from 15 years ago, which is also a lament for loss…「總在你身邊」要說的是這個地方普通人的故事,其中人物的名字或故事情節容或杜撰,但角色的處境及遭遇皆為我所知所遇所見所聞,志在刻劃現實。系列的第四篇較為特別,重塑15年前的集體經驗,也是一篇悼文。
Part 1 of artist/scholar Linda Lai’s multi-episode narrative poem on living across two centuries, a contemplation on time and space as experienced… written over a cup of hot chocolate – English version. 2018年元旦日,黎肖嫻用了一個小時呷著一杯和暖的巧克力。這樣,兩個世紀的心情、不同的時空對策忽然安好坐落在一個思維地表之上,連線起來。
FP writer Wai-leung Lai turned his sentiments for the thick urban space of Hong Kong into fictional encounters in a serial. Part 3 seems to be a story of the person next door, whose emotions spill over three kinds of coffee-drinking. 黎偉亮寫實、描述、虛擬。是認知、理解世界的滾軸過程。說是故事其實是鄰家的她或他,沒有對錯,難分悲喜。真正的故事,始於敘事結束之後… …,唯一實實在在的是可點可喝的咖啡。
**Part 1 of artist/scholar Linda Lai’s multi-episode narrative poem on living across two centuries, a contemplation on time and space as experienced… written over a cup of hot chocolate. 2018年元旦日,黎肖嫻用了一個小時呷著一杯和暖的巧克力。這樣,兩個世紀的心情、不同的時空對策忽然安好坐落在一個思維地表之上,連線起來。
FP writer Wai-leung Lai turned his sentiments for the thick urban space of Hong Kong into fictional encounters in a serial format. Part 2 of a crime story, apparently, is a twist into self-awakening. 寫實、描述、虛擬。是接觸世界的滾軸過程。誰知道敘事發展下去會觸及那些點?黎偉亮的一件「案件」其實是… …
FP writer Wai-leung Lai turned his sentiments for the thick urban space of Hong Kong into fictional encounters in a serial format. Part 1 of a crime story apparently… What is it opening up? 寫實、描述、虛擬。是接觸世界的滾軸過程。誰知道敘事發展下去會觸及那些點?黎偉亮從一件「案件」開始。
A series of stories on glimpses of everyday street life in Hong Kong, from FP writer Wai-leung Lai’s eye-witness, starting with a bowl of rice with BBQ pork… 據點作者黎偉亮一連串有關本地街頭日常點滴的短篇,由一碗叉燒飯開始。
FP Manager Wai crafted Tiger I in 2016 from a Tamiya model kit he aspired to have but couldn’t as a kid. Time changes many things. What does his lasting zeal tell us about the forgettable yet unforgotten of growing up in Hong Kong?
Winnie Yan, Personally Speaking. 「記錄 六月」。忻慧妍喃喃自語用文字擺放21天的游離與躲藏…
Vanessa Tsai’s coffee connections… 蔡季妙的個人咖啡則寫。