
Category: FieldNotes 考察中

研究生的考察範圍、指向,是世界的未來的形骸,新知識的風向計,對現今時代的把脈。起家立說之前,往往是轉瞬即逝的珍寶 — 直覺、對問題的「肚腹」般的反應。我們要好好留著。完整的辯說,碎片,靈光一閃,大小故事,所見所聞,理念層次的穿線連點結網…。「在地」、「尋檔」、「書寫作為思考」等陸續有來。A network of ideas from doctoral researchers whose tentative thinking may value as much as well formed writings. Hear their voices. Michael Leung’s “ON LAND,” Vennes Cheng’s “THINK-PAD,” Lim Yeon-kyung’s “ACTING OUT” and more are arrivals…

Linda Lai / From “Essay Film” to  “Video Essay” 2: an expanded history of presentational immediacy and causal efficacy 從「散文電影」到「錄像文章」二:表達的即時性與因果功效的追求

Linda Lai / From “Essay Film” to “Video Essay” 2: an expanded history of presentational immediacy and causal efficacy 從「散文電影」到「錄像文章」二:表達的即時性與因果功效的追求

The video essay is an expanding category, from the “film essay” named in the 1960s, generally considered non-fiction, to possible renewal of late 19th-C traveling lecture events which embraces pedagogic as much as fun purposes. Video essay is a form of “direct action” for the here and now, a critical response to the crisis of moving image as mnemontechnics (memory machines) that undermines our agency. 據點的《平地數碼》(2020年11月只2021年6月)志在翻開「散文電影」的系譜溯源,通過延伸的想像,擴大今時今日「錄像文章」的可用性以至成為如何活在當下的據點,對知識的守護和創造採取直接行動。請留意11月5日錄像文章比賽的正式發佈。

Linda Lai / From “Essay Film” to “Video Essay” 1 : Challenging classifications 從「散文電影」到「錄像文章」。破格,融合。

Linda Lai / From “Essay Film” to “Video Essay” 1 : Challenging classifications 從「散文電影」到「錄像文章」。破格,融合。

Invoking the term “video essay,” Floating Projects advances into a new experiment – to generate a new virtual community through sharing thoughts and sentiments as short videos, a tactical move in our milieu of media convergence. The video essay competition is an experimental action about naming and renaming, and how to survive contemporary society in which personal articulation is more often shut off and short-circuited than encouraged, wherever we are.

Andio Lai / Analog Tapes and Digital Files: A U D I O_ a pop-up exhibition 錄音帶和數碼檔案:《音》,一個即興展

Andio Lai / Analog Tapes and Digital Files: A U D I O_ a pop-up exhibition 錄音帶和數碼檔案:《音》,一個即興展

10月10-25日在據點現場發生的即興展/演《音》,是句點成員黎仲民的又一次實驗。新冠狀病毒期間可以搞怎樣的展覽?聲音的表演和展覽可以如何結合?取來的素材,是黃竹坑時期的 FP1.0 表演的翻新,以及石硤尾年頭的 FP2.0的表演紀錄,那會產生的是甚麼新活動?On site on 10-25 October at Floating Projects, A U D I O, a pop-up, is another one of FPC member Andio Lai’s experimental events of impromptu nature. With raw material from performances of FP1.0 (Wong Chuk Hang) and FP2.0 (Shek Kip Mei) as they were documented in different formats, what would be the outcome of the integration of sound, performance and exhibition?

FPC / Return Flight: MEL<---->HKG, after a year, the making of…

FPC / Return Flight: MEL<---->HKG, after a year, the making of…

FPC members participated in an cross-ocean exchange of image and text with artists in Melbourne as the third and final episode of Elizaveta Maltseva’s curatorial project, in collaboration with the Melbourne-based literary journal Going Down Swinging. One year has passed since the show Return Flight: MEL <---->HKG met the public in Melbourne (August) and Hong Kong (September) respectively. This short video looks back on our exchange conversation. 《回程機:墨爾本<---->香港》18個兩地創作人的圖文交流轉眼已是一年前的事。存留的檔案為我們抓住了一些神髓。

Michael Leung / 農業與全球瘟疫:如何在動蕩中找到團結?(ON LAND #10 Chinese version)

Michael Leung / 農業與全球瘟疫:如何在動蕩中找到團結?(ON LAND #10 Chinese version)

農耕與大流行。這個暑假會是實踐雙重權力戰略的良機?Agriculture and pandemics: from indeterminacy to solidarity — Would this summer be a ripe time to implement a dual power strategy? ON-LAND #10 in Chinese translation.

Michael Leung 梁志剛 / 集體 The Collective (「在地」中譯 1)

Michael Leung 梁志剛 / 集體 The Collective (「在地」中譯 1)

Michael Leung’s “On Land” series is now readable in Chinese translation. 集。群。體。正因為個別的不同,個人自主受到尊重,所以,能一起前進,共負一軛,沿途照應,你是我的地圖,我是你的另一張地圖。每個人都各自是一個索引目錄。

Michael Leung / ON LAND 13: There’s No Need to Add Oil Anymore (a fictional story)「在地」十三:不再需要加油(虛構故事)

Michael Leung / ON LAND 13: There’s No Need to Add Oil Anymore (a fictional story)「在地」十三:不再需要加油(虛構故事)

Is it a dream, nightmare, mind escape, or transcendent float in time-space? It takes a fictional moment to fully embody Michael Leung’s many episodes of intergalactic traversal, to regain the potency to enter a boundless performative space. 虛擬不一定是逃脫,反而是全情貫注的為跨界、跨域、跨族類的慾望賦予實質、形骸,以至可在其中遊蕩潛行,延展無邊際的演述空間。

Michael Leung / ON LAND 12: Pre-existing Conditions 「在地」十二:既有狀況

Michael Leung / ON LAND 12: Pre-existing Conditions 「在地」十二:既有狀況

In these COVID-19 days, “underlying conditions” undermine those with chronic diseases in fighting the virus. Rather than a sheer physiological condition, Michael Leung quotes Rene Gabri: what are considered pre-existing conditions are “those imposed on people by capitalism and the state, making some more vulnerable than others (during the pandemic).” What are the possibilities of being immune not just a personal matter but a collective act?「本有」狀況?「既有」狀態?還是「固有」狀態?梁志剛在英回顧法國行程的經驗,體悟藝術家 Rene Gabri 的申述:既有狀態其實是資本主義和國家政府加諸我們身上的,其結果是有些人總比另一些人「脆弱」,例如在疫情高漲的時候。如是,「既有」的,因政策管治的上綱下達,便成了「固有」的境況。往下想,「免疫」或「免疫系統」的出現,是否可以超越「個人」層面而成為「協作」的、社區群體的?

Michael Leung / ON LAND 11: Internal Power 「在地」十一:內部能量,內化了的創傷

Michael Leung / ON LAND 11: Internal Power 「在地」十一:內部能量,內化了的創傷

Prolonged and internalized trauma yields internal power, not so much hidden as unnameable emotions, but exteriorized as solidarity, against evacuation in the name of progress, and transcending national boundaries… Hong Kong, France. Wang Chau, Notre-Dame-des-Landes.

Michael Leung / Agriculture and pandemics: from indeterminacy to solidarity (ON LAND 10)  農耕與大流行 – 從不確定性到齊心團結 (「在地」十)
Floating Projects Collective 2025