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First exposure to 16mm shooting 初嘗16米釐

First exposure to 16mm shooting 初嘗16米釐

On 22 July 2017, seven FPC members and friends participated in Richard Tuohy and Dianna Barrie’s 16mm workshop with two Bolex cameras. Using “reverse printing” method, we were able to “develop” two rolls of films made in the Shamshuipo neighborhood the same day and view the outcome at the end of the day with great excitement. […]

FPC members / 《吹脹.影像》繼續吹 “Expænsive Cinema”, keep blowing, keep expanding

FPC members / 《吹脹.影像》繼續吹 “Expænsive Cinema”, keep blowing, keep expanding

9 FPC artists stretch the possibilities of the moving image — the projecting apparatus, the projected image, the moving and projecting processes, projected surfaces, how and where… 九位「據點。句點」藝術家心目中的活動影像的膨脹性、膨脹度是怎樣的?他們多方對策:投影的器具、所投的影像何來、成像的過程、展示影像的「面」…

Winnie Yan / hot cakes / hard kicks

Winnie Yan / hot cakes / hard kicks

“…I am still not very used to carrying a camera. Scenes captured in the footage do not have little similarity with what I actually saw on the spot.” Winnie Yan, curator for “Back & Forth,” recalls her videography one year ago.

Winnie Yan / 談畢業展、實驗、語言和影像 – <大頭落山:畢業作品放映會> 放映札記 Graduation show, being experimental, language and images: “be the rolling stones”
Winnie Yan / 距離的温度 The Temperature of Distance

Winnie Yan / 距離的温度 The Temperature of Distance

Some works are to be sensed rather than comprehended… Winnie Yan finds a natural connection with Jess Lau and Kin-choi Lam’s duet — with their art pieces as much as the two individuals. …能找到兩位同伴會默默地感受一場雨…絕不容易。

Winnie Yan / 聲音觀察誌 Observing sounds…

Winnie Yan / 聲音觀察誌 Observing sounds…

Winnie Yan recounts her stagger towards appreciating sound-making that encourages the immediacy of exchange versus music for trained ears… 忻慧妍的聲音觀察誌 - 如何一步一步挨近聲音藝術。

Winnie Yan / 記錄 六月 Writing June
Winnie Yan / 親愛的朋友呀你在想什麼

Winnie Yan / 親愛的朋友呀你在想什麼

「其實我不明白甚麼是好的藝術,那些大師的作品嘛,很多地方都看不懂。」她說。大概是因為同學對她的作品都持有頗兩極的意見,她一下子招架不住了,需要一個「結論」。 每當看到意念非常前衛又或是視覺上不甚麼討好的作品,我總會開玩笑般跟朋友說:「但願我一生也看不懂藝術。」。其實無論怎樣努力,我都一定不會懂藝術的。可 是,即使我能擁有超能力,可以一夜間明白藝術也好,我也寧願它是本永遠也翻不完的書。看完一本耐人尋味的書,心裏總會有一點難纏的空洞。

Winnie Yan / 那管只淨下我一人站在白牆前拿著紙筆咬手指 – 記於藝評與創作中的浮遊

Winnie Yan / 那管只淨下我一人站在白牆前拿著紙筆咬手指 – 記於藝評與創作中的浮遊

廢紙箱又被堆滿了。「我寫不到。」反反覆覆地翻閱自己看Birdman後寫下的筆記,總覺得無論怎麼寫也是徒勞無功,寫出一段又一段自相矛盾的段落。儘管讀過Raymond Carver的書,察覺到當中那如從未停止拍攝的鏡頭,鼓聲、空間處理等諸如此類的技術細節,但即使我把這些元素都歸納總結好,so what? 那就可以令人感受到我在觀賞時得到的那種莫名奇妙的感覺嗎?我覺得那部電戲需要去看,去自我感受,既然我寫不出那種令人閱後有立即要去一看究竟的衝動,自己的討論又可能只停留在技巧的層面周旋的話,這就像自打嘴巴,告訴人家自己沒認真地去思考一些電影想引申的其他訊息。

Floating Projects Collective 2025